Chronic Kidney Disease
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Information required for a referral

Nephrology is very dependent on serial data, particularly biochemistry, drugs and urinalysis. The following should be considered a minimum


1)    General Medical History

2)    Urinary history

3)    Medication

4)    Examination, especially BP, urinalysis, oedema and abdomen

5)    If urinalysis indicates proteinuria send a urine protein/creatinine ratio

6)    All available U&Es (most recent in letter, others via pathology database), Blood count

7)    HbA1c, cholesterol and other biochemistry as available


Referral route

Referrals may be sent to the renal team. They should now be referred under choose and book. This is being operated as a CLINICAL ADVICE SERVICE - this allows you to ask for clinical guidance without us needing to see the patient. It is extremely helpful to enclose the above data to allow us to accurately sort referrals. All referrals are pooled with joint clinic working between consultants, so named consultant referrals are not essential.

By post

Medical Outpatients, Derby City General Hospital, Uttoxeter Rd, Derby DE22 3NE

By Fax

01332 625975

By email


Note: email referral is not at present a guarantee of confidentiality. Email may be suitable for more general advice