Chronic Kidney Disease
Home Dietary information


Lifestyle and general measures

Lifestyle adjustment is as important for kidney health as it is for the heart, control of diabetes and overall well being. Indeed, virtually all of the care objectives for the management of CKD are shared with the other vascular conditions of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Consequently, practices and health care communities might give thought to 'Vascular Disease' management groups with clinical leads.

Here is a link to a PDF of an information leaflet for patients, produced by the Royal College of General Practitioners:




Objective Target
Smoking Encourage patient to stop, document status at each consultation
Complete cessation
Weight and nutrition Record weight and BMI 6 monthly minimum
Offer general dietetic information on healthy eating
Near ideal BMI (18.5-24.9)

Encourage sensible exercise Achieve recommended exercise levels

Diabetic control
Follow local diabetic guidelines HbA1c < 7.0%

Cardiovascular disease risk assessment
Measure lipids and target control as per local guidelines  

Blood pressure
Measure and record BP at every visit BP as per guidelines

Hepatitis B
(for CKD stage 3-5)
Identify seronegative patients and offer vaccination Seroconversion as early as possible

Influenza vaccine
(for CKD stage 3-5)
Immunize annually  

Pneumococcal vaccine
(for CKD stage 3-5)
Immunize every 10 years  

Limit exposure to nephrotoxins
Reduce risk of drug induced deterioration in kidney function Guidance here

Pyschosocial health
Offer patient education and self management (e.g. blood pressure monitoring) Provide patient guidance leaflets